Super Visa Canada – for Parents and Grandparents

Individuals typically need a temporary Canada visa to visit Canada for short periods. Within this category of visas, specific visas are dedicated to different purposes of visit. One such visa is the Super Visa, designed for parents and grandparents who wish to visit their children and grandchildren in Canada.

This article provides detailed information about the Canada Super Visa.

What is the Canada Super Visa?

The Canada Super Visa, also known as the Parent Visa or Parent and Grandparent Super Visa, falls under Temporary Resident Visas. It allows parents and grandparents to visit their children and grandchildren in Canada for extended periods. The children or grandchildren must be Canadian Permanent Residents or Canadian Citizens.

While the Canadian Visitor Visa could be used for this purpose, the Super Visa was introduced to extend the time parents and grandparents could stay with their loved ones. The Canada Super Visa permits them to remain in Canada for up to 2 years with their children and grandchildren, provided they meet the requirements.

Parents and grandparents cannot work or engage in part-time or full-time studies during their stay in Canada with the Super Visa. They are also ineligible for Canadian documents or benefits, such as health care coverage. The visa allows them to stay with their relatives and visit the country.

What are the Super Visa Eligibility Criteria?

Since the Super Visa grants extended stays to parents and grandparents, the eligibility requirements are more extensive than regular visitor visas.

In addition to the criteria applicable to all Temporary Resident Visas for Canada, applicants must undergo a medical examination to be considered eligible for the Super Visa.

Failure to meet these requirements will prompt the Canadian Consulate to request additional evidence. If the applicant cannot demonstrate eligibility, the Super Visa application will be denied.

How to Complete the Super Visa Application?

Completing the Super Visa application involves several steps, outlined and explained in detail below:

  1. Confirm Your Eligibility for a Super Visa: Before proceeding with the application, ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for a Super Visa.
  2. Compile the Documents for a Canada Super Visa: Prepare the required supporting documents for your Super Visa application, which include:
  • Standard documents are needed for any visa to Canada.
  • Bank or financial statements to prove you have sufficient funds for the trip to Canada.
  • Travel itinerary (if tickets are booked) or a description of planned activities in Canada.
  • Letter of invitation from your child or grandchild in Canada.
  • Proof of relationship with the child or grandchild, such as a birth certificate or other supporting documents.
  • Immigration statuses of your child or grandchild in Canada.
  • Bank statements or financial statements of your child or grandchild, demonstrating that they meet the Low-Income cut-off minimum. This may include their Notice of Assessment, T4 or T1 documents, an original letter from their employer, employment insurance pay stubs, or a confirmation of their annual income from an accountant (for self-employed individuals).
  • Proof of other sources of income, such as investments or pensions.
  • A Declaration Letter to the Government of Canada explaining why you should be granted a Super Visa.
  • Two (2) photos complying with Canada’s photo guidelines.
  • Document your employment or education status, including your resume or diplomas and a letter from your employer indicating your contractual obligations and the need to return to your home country.
  • Other documents, such as a lease or property deed, prove your intention to return to your home country.
  • Documents affirm that you do not intend to work or study in Canada.
  • Proof of private medical insurance valid for at least one year from a Canadian insurance company, covering health care, repatriation, and hospitalization, with a minimum coverage of ₦29,000,000 and valid for each entry to Canada.
  1. Submit the Super Visa Application: After compiling all the required documents for the Canada Super Visa, apply. Complete the process by paying the Super Visa application fee of ₦47,000.
  2. Wait for Processing and Respond to Additional Requests: Wait for the application to be processed, which can take anywhere from 8 days to 45 or 50 days, depending on your country of origin. Be prepared to respond to any additional requests for information during this period.
  3. Send Your Passport for Stamping: Once the application is approved, you must submit your passport for visa stamping. This may also involve paying a passport processing fee of around ₦22,000.

How to Meet the Low-Income Cut-Off (LICO) Requirement?

To be eligible for a Super Visa, your children or grandchildren (the hosts) must meet the Low-Income Cut Off (LICO), indicating they have enough funds to support your stay in Canada. The required minimum income for different family unit sizes is as follows:

  • 1 person (your child or grandchild): ₦10,625,000
  • 2 persons: ₦13,269,000
  • 3 persons: ₦16,333,000
  • 4 persons: ₦19,892,000
  • 5 persons: ₦22,450,000
  • 6 persons: ₦25,372,000
  • 7 persons: ₦28,296,000
  • For each additional person: ₦2,889,000

If your child or grandchild does not meet the LICO requirements, they may include their spouse or common-law partner’s income to meet the threshold.

Super Visa Fees

The Super Visa application involves two types of fees:

  1. Visa application fee: ₦7,850
  2. Biometrics processing fee: ₦6,671

Additionally, when you send your passport for processing, you must pay a fee of around ₦3,327.

Super Visa Processing Time

The Super Visa processing time can range from 8 to 45 or 50 days, depending on the applicant’s country of origin.

Super Visa Validity

Unlike the Visitor Visa, the Super Visa has an initial validity of 2 years. Upon arrival in Canada, carefully check whether the Border Patrol Officer has stamped your passport with a 2-year validity statement.

After 2 years, you can apply for an extension to your Super Visa from within Canada. Start the extension application at least 6 months before the current Super Visa expires.

Can I Bring Dependents with a Super Visa?

With the Super Visa, you can bring only your spouse or common-law partner to Canada. Other children or grandchildren must apply for a Visitor Visa separately.

How to Apply for a Super Visa?

To apply for a Super Visa, follow these steps:

  1. Check Eligibility: Ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria for a Super Visa and that your child or grandchild in Canada also meets the Low-Income Cut-Off requirement.
  2. Gather Required Documents: Collect all the necessary documents, including those that demonstrate your relationship with your child or grandchild, financial statements, proof of private medical insurance, and the invitation letter.
  3. Submit the Application: Complete the Super Visa application forms, attach the required documents, and pay the application fee.
  4. Medical Examination: Schedule and undergo a medical examination as the Canadian Consulate requires.
  5. Passport Stamping: Once your application is approved, you will be asked to submit your passport for visa stamping.
  6. Wait for Processing: Wait for the processing of your Super Visa application. The processing time can vary depending on your country of origin.
  7. Travel to Canada: If your Super Visa is approved and your passport is stamped, you can now travel to Canada and spend time with your child or grandchild.

Super Visa Insurance Requirements

One of the essential eligibility criteria for a Super Visa is having private medical insurance from a Canadian insurance company. The insurance must be valid for at least one year from the entry date to Canada and should provide a minimum coverage of ₦29,000,000.

The insurance must cover health care, repatriation, and hospitalization, ensuring adequate medical coverage during your stay in Canada.

Multiple Entry Provision

A significant advantage of the Super Visa is its multiple-entry provision. This means that once your Super Visa is approved, you can enter and leave Canada multiple times during its validity period without needing to reapply for a visa each time. This allows you to visit your child or grandchild in Canada and return to your home country as often as you like within the two-year validity period.

Applying for Super Visa Extensions

You can apply for an extension if you wish to extend your stay in Canada after the initial two-year Super Visa period. You must submit a new Super Visa application from within Canada to do so. It’s essential to start the application process at least six months before your current Super Visa expires to ensure continuous legal status in Canada.


The Super Visa for Canada is an excellent option for parents and grandparents who want to spend extended periods with their children and grandchildren in Canada. With its longer validity, multiple-entry provision, and relatively straightforward application process, the Super Visa provides a unique opportunity for family reunification.

Remember to carefully follow the application guidelines, provide all required documents, and meet the eligibility criteria to increase your chances of obtaining a Super Visa for Canada. With proper preparation and attention to detail, you can enjoy precious moments with your loved ones in this beautiful country.