How to Relocate to Canada from Nigeria with Your Family

A guide on how to relocate to Canada from Nigeria. If you’re considering relocating to Canada from Nigeria with your family, you’re embarking on an exciting journey that promises new opportunities and a better quality of life. Moving to a new country can be thrilling and challenging, especially when you have loved ones to consider.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through relocating to Canada with your family, covering important aspects such as immigration programs, education, healthcare, and settling into your new community. Let’s get started!

How to Relocate to Canada from Nigeria

Choose the Right Immigration Program

Before relocating to Canada, select the appropriate immigration program that suits your family’s circumstances. Here are some common immigration pathways:

1. Express Entry Program

The Express Entry Program is a popular immigration route for skilled workers. It operates through the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP), the Canadian Experience Class (CEC), and the Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP). To be eligible, you must meet specific criteria, including work experience, language proficiency, and educational qualifications.

2. Family Sponsorship Program

If you have a family member who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, they may be able to sponsor you and your family to move to Canada. The Family Sponsorship Program allows eligible sponsors to bring their spouses, dependent children, parents, or grandparents to Canada.

3. Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs)

Canada’s provinces and territories have their immigration programs called Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs). Each PNP has specific criteria and targets certain occupations or skills in high demand within that province or territory. Research the PNPs of provinces that interest you to explore potential opportunities.

Understanding the Canadian Education System

If you have school-aged children, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the Canadian education system:

1. Public Schools

Canada offers free public education for residents. Public schools provide a comprehensive curriculum and are funded by the government. Contact the local school board in your desired area to enrol your children and gather information about registration requirements.

2. Private Schools

Private schools are an alternative option that offers a diverse range of educational approaches, such as religious, international, or specialized programs. However, private schools typically charge tuition fees.

3. Post-Secondary Education

Canada has renowned universities and colleges that offer a wide range of programs for higher education. Research institutions, admission requirements, and application deadlines well in advance if you or your children plan to pursue post-secondary education in Canada.

Navigating Healthcare in Canada

Canada’s healthcare system is renowned for its accessibility and quality. Here’s what you need to know:

1. Medical Insurance

Upon arrival in Canada, you must apply for a government health insurance card or a provincial health card. The specific process may vary depending on the province or territory in which you settle. This card grants you access to essential healthcare services covered by the government.

2. Primary Care Physicians

Find a family doctor, also known as a primary care physician (PCP), who will provide routine medical care and referrals to specialists if necessary. Register with a local doctor’s office and schedule an initial appointment for your family.

3. Emergency Services

In case of emergencies, dial 911 for immediate assistance. Canadian emergency services are available 24/7.

Settling into Your New Community

To ensure a smooth transition and successful integration, consider the following aspects:

1. Housing and Accommodation

Research housing options in your desired city or province. You can explore rental properties, real estate listings, or temporary accommodations like serviced apartments or hotels. Consider factors such as proximity to schools, amenities, and public transportation.

2. Community Support

Join local community groups or organizations that cater to Nigerian or immigrant communities. They can provide support, guidance, and a sense of belonging during transition. Social media and online forums can be valuable resources for connecting with others in similar situations.

3. Language and Cultural Adaptation

Immerse yourself and your family in Canadian culture to facilitate integration. Take advantage of language classes, cultural events, and community activities that promote interaction with locals and provide opportunities to learn about Canadian customs and traditions.

4. Employment Opportunities

Research job prospects in your expertise and explore networking opportunities to enhance your employment prospects. Local job search websites, professional networks, and government employment centres can assist you in finding suitable positions.

Other Things you Need to know when moving to Canada

If you’re considering relocating to Canada from Nigeria, you may wonder if it’s truly worth the move. Moving to a new country is a significant decision that requires careful consideration. In this article, we’ll explore various aspects of life in Canada and discuss whether the benefits outweigh the challenges. Let’s dive in and determine if relocating to Canada from Nigeria is worth it for you and your family.

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Economic Opportunities

Canada is known for its strong economy and diverse range of job opportunities. Here are some key factors to consider:

1. Job Market

Canada has a thriving job market, with industries such as technology, healthcare, engineering, and finance experiencing high demand for skilled workers. The country’s strong economy and low unemployment rates make it an attractive destination for professionals seeking better career prospects.

2. Higher Income Potential

Compared to Nigeria, Canada generally offers higher income potential and better compensation packages. However, it’s important to consider the cost of living, taxes, and other expenses to determine the overall financial impact of the move.

Education and Healthcare Systems

Access to quality education and healthcare is crucial when considering a move to a new country. Let’s explore Canada’s offerings:

1. Education System

Canada’s education system is renowned for its high standards and globally recognized institutions. The country offers excellent primary, secondary, and post-secondary education options, including top-ranked universities and colleges. Access to quality education can provide better opportunities for personal growth and career advancement.

2. Healthcare System

Canada has a publicly funded healthcare system that provides essential medical services to its residents. The system ensures access to necessary healthcare services and contributes to a higher quality of life. However, it’s important to note that wait times for certain procedures and specialist appointments can be longer compared to private healthcare systems.

Standard of Living

The standard of living in Canada is generally high, offering several advantages for individuals and families:

1. Safety and Security

Canada is known for its safety and security, consistently ranking as one of the safest countries globally. This provides peace of mind and a secure environment for individuals and families.

2. Social Benefits

Canada offers its residents various social benefits and support systems, including healthcare coverage, unemployment insurance, parental leave, and retirement savings programs. These benefits contribute to a higher quality of life and overall well-being.

3. Cultural Diversity and Inclusivity

Canada is a multicultural and inclusive society that values diversity. Immigrants are welcomed and celebrated, adding to the country’s rich cultural fabric. This diversity creates a vibrant and inclusive environment for individuals and families.

Challenges and Considerations

While Canada offers many benefits, it’s important to acknowledge the challenges and considerations associated with relocating:

1. Weather

Canada experiences cold winters, especially in certain regions. The climate may be a significant adjustment, particularly for individuals accustomed to warmer temperatures in Nigeria.

2. Integration and Adaptation

Relocating to a new country requires adapting to a new culture, customs, and way of life. Integration into Canadian society may take time and effort, and individuals and families should be prepared for this adjustment period.

3. Separation from Family and Friends

Relocating to Canada means being physically separated from family and friends in Nigeria. This can be challenging, particularly during important events and holidays. However, advancements in technology and the ability to travel can help bridge the distance.

Making the Decision

Whether you relocate to Canada from Nigeria depends on your circumstances, goals, and priorities. When deciding, consider the economic opportunities, education and healthcare systems, standard of living, challenges, and personal factors.

Conduct thorough research, seek professional advice, and connect with individuals who have made a similar move. They can provide valuable insights and perspectives. Remember that the decision to relocate is deeply personal, and what may be worth it for one person may not be the same for another.

Take into account your long-term goals, aspirations, and the potential opportunities that Canada offers for you and your family. With careful consideration and planning, relocating to Canada from Nigeria can be a transformative and rewarding experience, opening doors to new possibilities and a better quality of life.


Relocating to Canada from Nigeria with your family is an exciting endeavour that opens doors to new possibilities. By choosing the right immigration program, understanding the education and healthcare systems, and embracing your new community, you can ensure a smooth transition and a successful start to your Canadian journey.

Remember that the process may require time, patience, and thorough research. Seek advice from immigration consultants, connect with Nigerian-Canadian communities, and use resources provided by the Canadian government. With determination, resilience, and a positive mindset, you and your family can thrive in Canada, building a fulfilling life and embracing the opportunities that await you in your new home.

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